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8 Instagram Content Ideas For B2B

July 17, 2019

Most businesses and brands have found success with Instagram. According to Statista, around 60 percent of Instagram users (that is above 600 million people) find and discover more products on Instagram.

Having a good idea now and then is not enough, every day you have to come up with something new and keep your audience engaged.

Creating content for B2B audience, can be hard sometimes, that’s why we came up with these 8 Instagram content ideas that will help you create a better relationship with your customers, and increase your Instagram engagement.

1. Describe the workspace

To start describing your workspace on Instagram, you might need to perk it up with some new accessories, awesome organization hacks or colorful mood board.

Whether you have been working in a roomy office or from a small desk in your bedroom, the workspace of other people offers something inspirational and yours can do the same. So, it is time to take a break from your boring projects and share your beautiful workspaces as you enjoy those of others.

That way, you will manage to share your authenticity. Remember to show your daily routine. Take Drift uses #InsideDrift hashtag to promote their brand values. You can start by checking what they do.

Describe the workspace

Picture from @heydrift https://www.instagram.com/p/Bys3vAypcXf/

2. New launches

If you have been selling seasonal products, it is time to create an Instagram Story video showcasing your most recent launches.

With the help of hashtags, Instagram has remained a great place for the new launches. After publishing your story, it will reach many people within a short time and most of them might be willing to try the new launch.

@socialinsider, for example, announces each product update or webinar on their account in a nice and visual way. Here’s an example:

Showcase your most recent launches

Picture from @socialinsider.io https://www.instagram.com/p/ByUk6ZqC5Fn/

You can try doing the same too. The internet offers many collection launch templates that you can use. They range from fashion design templates to video creation templates. They will help you approach the new collection launch on Instagram stories.

Check out: Instagram Post Template Bundles

3. User-generated content

User-generated content will make the efforts of your brand more authentic. You do not have to spend many hours each day crafting original social media content so that your audience can like it. You can rely on user-generated content from your real audience members for the heavy lifting part and engage more authenticity.

Start by searching for high-quality content that your followers have posted and showcase it on your channels (remember to give credit). That way, you will grow your user base and ensure that your audience feels connected. If the organic social reach has been declining, you will have to share authentic content from your audience so that you can connect with more followers and build strong relationships with them.

4. Mention an influencer

To boost your Instagram engagement, you have to identify key influencers and mention them in your posts. Even though the selection of celebrities might be enticing, you have to consider your social followers and identify the people who are talking about your products or brand and have already established an engaged audience.

The users are generally more active on the social media platforms than the average persons are and they post, share and like the posts of others more frequently.

A more recent survey showed that around 60 percent of consumers rely on the social content of their family and friends when buying something.

Even though only 23 percent rely on influencer content to make their decision, celebrity endorsements might be helpful for your business. After you have several influencers in your mind, ensure that they are in line with your product or brand identity. That way, you will be able to mention them in your posts.

In fact, influencers are everywhere on social platforms. Some people have also chosen influencer marketing as a full-time profession and celebrities are finding some additional income from this method. That is a win-win situation. A quick example, mailchimp uses musicians like Courtney Love, Big Boi, and more, in each podcast; they are talking about the song that changed everything for them. This is a great way to interact with people, and make them engage with your posts.

Identify key influencers and mention them in your posts

Picture from @mailchimp https://www.instagram.com/mailchimp/

5. Video announcement

You can create Instagram stories announcing the release of new features, new blog post, or a new member on your team. You can choose this option, or if you have a video longer than 1 minute, you can upload it directly to you IGTV with the possibility to preview it on your account. That might be as simple as announcing your new product line or blog post.

Research shows that video marketing is the future. More than 51% brands are using video to engage with their audience.

Take a look at WeWork account. They are using Instagram videos to promote their leadership initiatives.

Video announcement

Picture from https://www.instagram.com/p/By7sprjlJ8K/

6. Short video tip

Try coming up with regular short video tips that you can share on your Instagram platform on a weekly basis. That is a better way of holding yourself accountable for making regular Stories. By sharing stories regularly, you will ensure that your brand remains in the mind of your followers most of the time. A more recent study showed that the average human attention has reduced from 12 seconds and it is now 8 seconds. That means you should keep all your video tips very short.

With your videos you can share weekly inspirational quotes for #MondayMotivation, share weekly tips for #TuesdayTips, highlight different customers each week, showcase different products each week, share weekly special promotions and deals each week and do weekly Q&A to get ideas.

7. Behind the scene

Provide your audiences with a behind-the-scenes appearance of what you do on a daily basis. Instagram offers you a chance to show off your studio or workspace, share how you make your products and give your customers glimpses into the way your brand runs. Research shows that you will appear authentic after showing how you work and how your daily routine looks like.

This post shows what drift does behind the scenes. You can also try something similar.

Provide your audiences with a behind-the-scenes appearance of what you do

Picture from @heydrift https://www.instagram.com/p/BwvB9OXJdpe/

8. Industry tips

Instagram Stories might be a lot of fun, but it is an extremely useful tool for boosting your Instagram engagement.

If you want to increase your Instagram engagement, choose a niche and stick to it. Find your comfort area, play with these content ideas, and you will see the difference.

Take a look at @intercom’s Instagram account. They features their employees to share industry trips about the sales process and strategy.

Feature employees to share industry trips about the sales process and strategy

Photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn9fMAGAhKg/

How do you use Instagram for your business or brand? The above tips will help you use it in a better way. If you fail to take advantage of the available social media tools, you will be wasting most of your valuable time.

Want more? Check out these Instagram contest examples by Wishpond.


Generally speaking, there’s no doubt that social media can help you and your brand to be seen out there and receive visits to your blog or site.

Instagram is a great platform for not only engaging your target audience, but also attracting new ones. You should know that by gaining a loyal following you can build an online community around your brand.

You can do this through your Instagram posts, so feel free to use these 8 Instagram content ideas, and let us know in the comments below which one worked for you.

Maria Ganta

Marketing Coordinator

Maria Ganta is a Marketing Coordinator @Socialinsider. She considers herself an optimist, a social media addict, and a storyteller with a lot of imagination.

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