Looking for Leadworx Alternative?

Let’s see how good Albacross is in lead generation compared to Leadworx.

If you are in the B2B sphere, you know that getting fresh leads is critical in keeping the business alive.

But, even if you did everything to increase the conversion of your website, a big part of your users may leave without you knowing they were there.

However, Albacross can help you fix this, by capturing companies that visit your website.

It has some significant differences, compared to Leadworx, so let’s dive in.

First, check how and the features of both tools compare:

Feature Albacross Leadworx
Lead history Up to 90 days Since code install
Total # of leads from 500/month Limited, from 300 leads/month
Tracking method Custom Script Custom Script
Integrations Zapier Available
Contact data
Notifications Email, real-time via Zapier
Export CSV, anywhere via Zapier CSV
CMS Plugins WP, Joomla, Drupal WP
Support Live chat Live chat
Custom lead tagging
Targeted AMB ads campaigns

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Custom tracking script

First, both Albacross and Leadworx are using a custom tailor-made tracking script.

This means that both services are collecting the necessary data directly on the website.

But that’s also where the difference comes to the scene.

Every tool has its own companies’ database which directly influences the accuracy of your leads.

And Albacross shows better results by providing more high-quality leads captured at a single website during the same period.

This means that you will get more with Albacross.

Zapier integration

A lead generation tool will better fit into your existing sales funnel if it has the opportunity to connect with your existing marketing/sales stack.

And that’s why Albacross features Zapier integration to let you connect to numerous tools that you are already using.

Albacross stats

It works in 2 different ways:

  • It may send a real-time notification to a preferred channel every time a new lead is captured on your website.
  • And, of course, it may transfer your lead data to your CRM, spreadsheet, or any other place. You can also set the filter in Albacross dashboard and automatically transfer your leads if it passes your filter.

As you can see, it’s easy to integrate Albacross with the other tools that you are already using.

Install tracking via native CMS plugins

The custom tracking code has both pros that reflect in a more accurate tracking, and cons that some users may face while installing the code.

Well, you don’t need to be super tech savvy to paste it in the right place of the HTML page, but at least you need to know how to make it happen.

Or, you can ask someone to do this for you.

But with Albacross, you have more convenient options to install the code:

All you need to do here is install and activate the plugin and paste the client’s ID that you’ll find on the Albacross Dashboard.

On the other end, Leadworx offers only WP plugin.

Price comparison

Since we now know the features of both tools, let’s check how much it costs to get them. Here is the pricing:

Premium Plan Albacross Leadworx
Price from €129/m from $149/m
Free Trial 14 days 14 days
Lead history 90 days Limited, from 300 leads/m
Email reports
CMS plugins WP, Joomla, Drupal WP only
Integrations Zapier Available
Lead contact info

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Bottom line

So, which one is more suitable for your business? Albacross or Leadworx?

It is evident that Albacross has a couple of pros over its competitor:

  • The plan price is lower
  • It offers unlimited leads regardless of the plan
  • It has more native CMS plugins
  • It offers highly targeted AMB campaigns

So, if you care about getting new leads regularly, Albacross will help you better than Leadworx.

In case you have other questions, feel free to contact our support via the chat bubble on the right bottom of the screen.

Also, you can give Albacross a try and test how it works yourself. Just sign up for a complimentary trial now and test it on your own website.